Privacy & policy
1.It is mandatory for all our customers to make an unboxing video of parcel so if any product is missing or misprint our customers can claim for a refund.
2..Returns will be accepted within 3 working days from the date of receiving Parcel
3.3. Return parcel’s Amount will be credited in the customer’s account within 15 working days. Please provide us your Bank account details in which you want your amount to be credited. Make sure your account details are correct, as we will be not liable for any wrong transaction.
4.In case of wrong product receive retailer and customer than return shipping charge will bear by us .
5.will be accepted only wrong product & mismatch
6.All our products are handmade by local artisans so they might be possibility of colour variations in that case we will not accept returns note( original colour of product can be different from the picture of product in our website).
7.We are use best material of packing for product. In case any product damage in trans amount settle as per verification Terms & conditions apply.